Sunday, February 27, 2005




I mean, I'm not that good of a judge, considering I've seen two of the best picture nominees, but does anyone really care this year? And there were NO surprises. Even the "upset" wins weren't that much of a surprise, considering Oscar voters previous habits. The screenwriting awards ALWAYS go to the movies that get a lot of nominations, but won't win any of the big ones. That, or the quirky movies that are great, but not mainstream enough to win anyting else. Case in point, Sideways and Eternal Sunshine. I am really happy about "The Incredibles" winning.

I was sad to see Scorsese not win. I'm not surprised, but it would be great for him to get one that wasn't just an honorary award.

Mostly I just learned that I have a lot of movies to rent here in a couple of months.

Thursday, February 24, 2005


What time is it?

Has anyone else wondered how much this world would be affected if alarm clocks didn't have snooze buttons? I mean, I know this is one of those pretentious philosophical questions, but seriously, this place would be way different.

One, the obvious, people would be late ALL THE TIME. No more "Five more minutes mom!" And think of the car accidents that would cause! Also, at least in my case, it would mean a lower quality of sleep. Knowing I had to get up the first time would stress me out. Of course, there would be no disturbing your bedmate, roommate, neighbor on the other side of thin walls, etc. So that is a possitive side.

I don't know, this is the sorta bullshit that runs through my head on the way to work while I pass all the trucks on the 5. Fuckin' LA traffic!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Wednesday TV

So, Lost has sorta slowed down on the quality. I mean, they're still telling decent stories, but it seems to have lost some direction. I totally put all of my faith in Fury though. If he says there's a reason, I believe it. All I'm saying is next week, Hurley baby!

I'm sorry to say, I've started watching American Idol. It's amazing how entertaining crap can be. I mean, it's pretty obvious that reality TV is designed to tap into our most evil places. I know for a fact that I would love Survivor, and so I have made sure to never tune in. I guess there must just be something about Simon...

I LOVE Veronica Mars (I know, it's Tuesday night, but I taped it). I mean, it has it's flaws; mostly a freshmen show trying to work out it's identity and cater to as many people as possible for ratings. But I tell you, this week, it hit its stride. There are very few episodes of TV that rank with this as far as pace and stuff happenin'. Seriously, it felt like three hours of TV. Plus, there is no better way to nerd out that seeing Kristin Bell and Hannigan together on screen. Plus, love those cliff hangers.


The Beginning

So this is my blog. I'm kinda doing this on a whim, but I have high hopes. It's probably just going to be me ranting about TV and movies, but I guess we're gonna find out together. Anyway, short and sweet to start with (it's dinner time), but more will come soon.

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