Thursday, February 24, 2005


What time is it?

Has anyone else wondered how much this world would be affected if alarm clocks didn't have snooze buttons? I mean, I know this is one of those pretentious philosophical questions, but seriously, this place would be way different.

One, the obvious, people would be late ALL THE TIME. No more "Five more minutes mom!" And think of the car accidents that would cause! Also, at least in my case, it would mean a lower quality of sleep. Knowing I had to get up the first time would stress me out. Of course, there would be no disturbing your bedmate, roommate, neighbor on the other side of thin walls, etc. So that is a possitive side.

I don't know, this is the sorta bullshit that runs through my head on the way to work while I pass all the trucks on the 5. Fuckin' LA traffic!

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