Friday, September 02, 2005


To Donate Or Not To Donate

So I'm in a bit of a moral quandry. I just got my California Driver's License. It's so tan and it has my picture on it. Anyway, with the license I got this piece of paper that talks about being a donor. On the one hand, it is a great thing to do and I certainly have seen the benefits in friends that I have, on the other hand I have to go to some website and fill out a bunch of shit. What should I do?


I say go for it, simply to indulge in the "where am I fantasy." You never know where your parts might end up. Someday an underprivileged Nobel Prize winning Oscar nominee could be walking around with your kidney. I have the same fantasy about recycling. I dream that my Pepsi can will reinCANated as part of the space shuttle or maybe even into a Diet Pepsi can.
Or, dare you dream, Pepsi One!
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