Tuesday, May 30, 2006


X-Men 3

So I saw it last night.

I will say before the spoilers, stay through the credits if/when you see it.


It didn't piss me off as much as I thought it would. Mostly it was just entertaining crap. Not like goofy entertaining crap like "Con-Air," but just crap that happens to be entertaining.

The problem with this movie is that no one really cared about it. Fox rushed through its production to try and beat "Superman" and show up Bryan Singer. Half the cast was clearly not that interested in coming back, and just got paid off to do a few scenes. The new x-men they introduced were given almost nothing to do because they were just plowing through the story and gave no time for character development (more on that later). Finally, Brett Ratner doesn't care about trying to make a good movie he just cares about making a movie that is done on time and makes money, assuming those qualities make a good movie.

Now the finer points of what's wrong with it. NO CHARACTERS!!! The Phoenix is one of the more interesting characters in comic book land and they do nothing with her. The few moments they deal with her character are the only real interesting moments in the movie. They still aren't handled that well, but one could see where there was strong potential for a great movie (before Ratner of course). I mean, THREE major characters die and at no point do we really give a shit. The first, of course, is Cyclops. He has like four lines. His death is so pointless. The second, which is the funeral in the movie (you were wrong Jeff) is Xavier. This death is stupid. And totally telegraphed. There is even an exchange in the beginning of the movie where Xavier tells Storm she should take over for him when he goes, and she gives him a look that says, "Oh Xavier, you'll never die!" BOOOOOOO!!

Jean Grey is the last death. And oh how we didn't care. Sure, they try to do some interesting things with Jean Grey and Wolverine, but it doesn't really work.

As far as the new characters go, Beast is the only one that gets to do anything. And by anything I mean, have a few lines. They don't do a whole lot with his "character." And why the fuck is Angel even in it. I mean, his dad created the cure, but they don't really even do anything with that.

Basically, if either the writer and/or even more so the director actually cared about this movie it could have been good. The could have buffered against the studio. Instead we got Ratner, the studio bitch, and this worthless sequel to a movie that is arguably the best movie of the third millenium.

Until next time.

Shit, I was still right about Cyclops biting it, dammit!

You may have guessed that I watched this last night. Frank, brave soul that he is, watched it AGAIN.
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